699 Kč
U dodavatele
Datum vydání: 24.01.2021
Žánr: Thrash metal

Další informace o produktu

CD 1.
1. Damnation/Onslaught (Power From Hell) 
2. Thermonuclear Devastation 
3. Skullcrusher I
4. Lord Of Evil 
5. Death Metal 
6. Angels Of Death 
7. The Devil’s Legion
8. Steel Meets Steel
9. Skullcrusher II
10. Witch Hunt
11. Mighty Empress
12. Thermonuclear Devastation Of The Planet Earth
13. Power From Hell (re-recorded 2011)

CD 2.
1. Let There Be Death
2. Metal Forces
3. Fight With The Beast
4. Demoniac
5. Flame Of The Antichrist
6. Contract In Blood
7. Thrash Till The Death

CD 3.
1. Asylum
2. In Search Of Sanity
3. Shellshock
4. Lightning War
5. Let There Be Rock
6. Blood Upon The Ice
7. Welcome To Dying
8. Power Play
9. Confused

CD 4.
1. In Search Of Sanity
2. Shellshock
3. Fight With The Beast
4. Blood Upon The Ice
5. Metal Force
6. Lightning War
7. Welcome To Dying
8. Let There Be Rock

CD 5.
1. Burn
2. Killing Peace
3. Destroyer Of Worlds
4. Pain
5. Prayer For The Dead
6. Tested To Destruction
7. Twisted Jesus
8. Planting Seeds Of Hate
9. Shock ‘n’ Awe

CD 6.
1. Killing Peace
2. Let There Be Death
3. Destroyer Of Worlds
4. Metal Forces
5. Planting Seeds Of Hate
6. Demoniac
7. Burn
8. Power From Hell
9. Thermo Nuclear Devastation Of The Planet Earth
10. The Black Horse Of Famine 
11. Overthrow Of The System
12. Rape
13. Protest, But Who Said You Will Survive 
14. Visions Of Our Future
15. Treading The Path Toward Death 
16. An Innocent Man 
17. The Shadow Of Death
18. The Black Horse Of Famine

Číslo produktu: 3984157350




PROVOZOVATEL SMILE MUSIC s.r.o. Vršovická 16, 101 00 Praha 10 IČO: 24212709 DIČ: CZ24212709 +420 725 512 470, Po - Pá 8:00 - 16:00 +420 267 310 085, Po - Pá 8:00 - 16:00 krcal@spark-rockmagazine.cz info@sparkshop.cz

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Vaši vánoční objednávku obdržíte včas, pokud si objednáte zboží označené jako SKLADEM do středy 18. 12.

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