899 Kč
U dodavatele
Datum vydání: 01.11.1980
Žánr: Rock

Další informace o produktu

1.album (1980)

Chrissie Hynde - vocals, guitars
Martin Chambers - drums
Pete Farndon - bass
James Honeyman-Scott- guitars

1 Precious
2 The Phone Call
3 Up The Neck
4 Tattooed Love Boys
5 Space Invader
6 The Wait
7 Stop Your Sobbing
8 Kid
9 Private Life
10 Brass In Pocket
11 Lovers Of Today
12 Mystery Achievement
13 Cuban Slide
14 Porcelain
15 The Wait (Nick Lowe Version)
16 Nervous But Shy
17 Swinging London

1 The Phone Call
2 Suicide
3 Brass In Pocket
4 Precious
5 The Wait
6 I Can’t Control Myself
7 Stop Your Sobning
8 Tequila
9 Kid
10 I Go To Sleep
11 Do I Love You
12 The Wait (The Kid Jensen Show, February 5th, 1979)
13 Up The Neck (The Kid Jensen Show, February 5th, 1979)
14 Stop Your Sobbing (The Kid Jensen Show, February 5th, 1979)
15 Private Life (The Kid Jensen Show, February 5th, 1979)
16 Cuban Slide (The Kid Jensen Show, February 5th, 1979)
17 Mystery Achievement (The Kid Jensen Show, July 2nd, 1979)
18 I Need Somebody (The Kid Jensen Show, July 2nd, 1979)
19 Tattooed Love Boys (The Kid Jensen Show, July 2nd, 1979)

1 The Wait (Live at Paris Theatre, London, January 2nd, 1979)
2 Stop Your Sobbing (Live at Paris Theatre, London, January 2nd, 1979)
3 Kid (Live at Paris Theatre, London, January 2nd, 1979)
4 Cuban Slide (Live at Paris Theatre, London, January 2nd, 1979)
5 Brass In Pocket (Live at Paris Theatre, London, January 2nd, 1979)
6 Tattooed Love Boys (Live at Paris Theatre, London, January 2nd, 1979)
7 Mystery Achievement (Live at Paris Theatre, London, January 2nd, 1979)
8 Space Invader (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
9 The Wait (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
10 Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
11 Kid Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
12 Private Life Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
13 Cuban Slide Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
14 The Phone Call Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
15 Talk Of The Town Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
16 Tattooed Love Boys Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
17 Up The Neck Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
18 Mystery Achievement Precious (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)
19 Stop Your Sobbing (Live at the Paradise Theater, Boston, March 23rd 1980)

Číslo produktu: 9029669187




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